Short Bio

Julia Ettich was born on 28.09.1984 and Streshewoj / Russia born. 09/1996 – 07/2000 She attended art school in Streshevoy, Russia, then 08/2009 – 01/2010 Julia Ettich completed an internship as a designer assistant at Stefanie Rapp Couture in Munich. 09/2003 – 07/2004 followed an internship with designer Alla Murnikov in Hanover and 09/2007 – 07/2008 The artist attended the “German Master School for Fashion” in Munich, specializing in cutting and design.


“My work of art, is the passion, to see the beauty in harmony with nature.
The beautiful flower meadows from my childhood, that distant Asia or the strong-character humpback whales of Mexico accompany me to my roots.
The sea has captivated me since my earliest reading experiences. Thanks to my father, I always had access to a seemingly endless collection of books, which I literally devoured. But in my home country at the time, the Soviet Union, the sea seemed unreachable, the ocean with its beguiling, but also an unimaginable dream for dangerous and mysterious residents. All I could do was read about them and bring them to life in my imagination. My grandmother influenced me with her deep connection to nature, and I found myself enchanted in the midst of nature. Every flower, that caught my eye, exerted an irresistible fascination on me.
Thanks to new impulses and strength, I am back here and living my dream, because I found my constant companion”.